“Ron and Alfie are twin brothers; they were both raised the same way by the same parents. They were both given the same love and affection. But the older they were getting the harder things became for them. Ron was keen on taking life changing decisions, when on the other hand Alfie was a little bit shy and was always scared of deciding the simplest thing. It’s not always all fun and games to be the one that has to decide but life has taught us that this is what we should and that if we don’t do it we lack some sort of self-esteem or we’re labeled as a “coward” which is not true. In today’s article, I will go through some points with you where I will show you that with a bit of help you can change your way of thinking and be “brave” enough to speak up and decide.”
To begin, what is decision making?
Decision-making is defined in psychology as the cognitive process that leads to the choosing of a belief or a course of action from among multiple available alternatives. It could be rational or irrational in nature. The decision-making process is a reasoning process based on the decision-values, maker’s preferences, and beliefs. Every decision-making process leads to a final decision, which may or may not result in action.
Decision making can sometimes be seen as problem solving, and at other times it can be the cause of a dilemma or an issue, which can eventually turn into a major fail, which is not what we aim for in life.
There is a difference between decision making and problem solving! It is true that one results into the other, but they are different. When making a decision we should:
1) Gather facts
2) Brainstorm
3) Put pros and cons in front of oneself
5) Follow through
6) Define or clarify if needed
If the above mentioned steps are followed and executed, I believe it is going to save you a lot of time and helps you see things clearly in front of you.
Through my experience I have come to believe in few things that could make it easier for one to make up their mind and take their decision. Let me tell you about them; firstly when asking for help, you are just being human and do not consider yourself weak. Needing the help of others when it comes to making a decision is normal. Secondly, remaining as neutral as possible and not mixing emotions with taking decisions is turning out a helpful strategy. And Finally, do not let time rush you, throughout my years of experience, I have met people who advocate for taking time and not rushing their lives, and I have met some who live in one week what others do in a month because they believe in using every second of their day; both lifestyles are not bad, and both have their positives and negatives aspects on our decision making.
Decision making difference in the three stages of life, childhood, adolescents and adulthood
Compared to adults, children are less likely to engage in research strategy behaviors. Adaptive decision-making behavior increases in youngsters age 12 and above. Younger children are less flexible in their decision-making because they lack the ability to evaluate the cost and effort required to collect information in the decision-making process. They might have some knowledge but they lack experience.
Teens are notorious for their high-risk habits and hasty decisions during their adolescent years. According to research, there are biological changes in cognitive processes between adolescents and adults while decision-making. Studies have shown that brains mature and develop throughout childhood and adolescence and into early adulthood. During adolescence, other changes in the brain include a rapid increase in the connections between the brain cells are making the brain pathways more effective. Nerve cells develop myelin, an insulating layer that helps cells communicate. All these changes are essential for developing coordinated thought, action, and behavior.
Adults have a stronger ability to manage their risk-taking because their cognitive-control system has grown to the point where it can control the socio-emotional network even when arousal is high or psychosocial capacities are present. Adults are also less likely to be placed in situations that require them to take risks. Teens, for example, are more likely to be around peers who goad them to accomplish things, whereas adults are less likely to be exposed to this type of social context.
How can I help make your life easier?
As I have mentioned before, I am someone who was always curious to know about the behavior people and how they deal with the situation they are put in, which led me to become the person I am today and it helped me achieve my profession.
During my sessions I support my clients like this:
• Ask questions for shifting perspectives and exploring consequences.
• Investigate alternatives and opportunities
• Explore my clients feelings
• Help my clients to move forward with their decision.
And you, how do you deal with decision making? Are you good at this life task, or you’re more likely to seek help?! Do not hesitate to get in touch with me for more info on how to deal with such a life changing situation.